Sunday, July 27, 2008

21 1/2 Weeks

Alright, this is for all you just dying to know what I look like (mainly family and Erica)!! So, without further ado, I give you miss prego at 21 1/2 weeks!


Debbi said...

I think you look super cute and tiny - I was thinking that in RS today while you were leading music!

The Chappell's said...

As always - Beautiful, just beautiful!

Nuff Said!

{Erica} said...

you are such a hottie when you're pregnant. And're so not huge!! seriously, I think you're a super cute pregnant person.

I can't wait to see you guys!

Anonymous said...

Court, you look SO darn cute! I can't wait to see you!! It was so fun to hear Drew talk to us when you called your Dad (he isn't a proud Grandpa/Dad at all -ha,ha!). I am so excited for Drew to have a brother, you are going to love it too. See you soon!

Christi said...

You look so GOOD! I love the baby bump and I'm so excited your having another boy, they will have so much fun playing when they get a little bigger!

So, I got the directions from here:
but I didn't do all of it, it was complicated for me! The fact that I did it though, means it's pretty user friendly. I got the paper from shabbyprincess, the link is on their list of places to look at. Hope that helps. -I so miss hanging out with you! I'll have to give you a call next time we're in Des Moines, probably christmas.

Andrea said...

First of all--YAY for BOYS!! Of course I am a bit biased...but I think boys are the BEST! And now Drew will have a little buddy to do everything with! Brother's are the cutest together!
You are quite the little hottie at 21 weeks :) I hope you are surviving the Iowa humidity and being pregnant!

Anonymous said...

You look so cute! And TAN!!

allison said...

you look GREAT! Cute picture

mary said...

You are so cute! And brave! I kind of run away from the camera when I am pregnant. You really are a cute pregnant mama, and I am SO excited for little Preston to get here! I love his name so much.

Anonymous said...

Look at you all cute and tan! Hello hottie!