I have this love/hate relationship with the holiday season. I love it because you get to spend some good quality time with friends and family. For Thanksgiving, I was invited to Bret and Erica's house for dinner. We split the meal up, but Erica made the turkey....can I say "YUM!" She did a fantastic job on the potatoes too! And then for Christmas I get to spend it with my wonderful family, (some I haven't seen in such a long time)!!
But what I hate about it is the stress that it brings of trying to please everybody and make sure you're good or else "Santa" won't come. But what I absolutely hate the most...the snow! I like snow for Christmas, but any other time, no thank you. We got our first snow on Wednesday and let me tell you what a let down that was. Ever since our accident in January...see picture... I've been terrified to drive in the snow.
I'm not just saying that I grip the wheel tight and go 10 miles an hour (which I do), but I start to hyperventilate. When it snows here, the first layer that stays turns into ice, and then the snow packs on top of it. So the roads are a complete mess because of all of the ice. I had to drive to work wednesday night and so I left 45 minutes before I had to be there and got there just in time. So here is a picture of the snow. I told Doug that this confirmed we are moving somewhere warm when school is over! I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving and a great weekend! Chow!
we were so happy that we got to spend thanksgiving with good friends...and that of course included you!! I feel the same about snow....can't it just come on christmas and then melt away? :D
That snow scares me too - and that section of road where you got in your accident. When Wade isn't with me I go the long way around on University. I'm such a dork, but I'm with you.
Oh, Court, my sweet. You grew up slippin and slidin in the greatest snow on earth. You know how to drive in these conditions. Now you must educate others. I'm somewhat jealous. You have snow - we don't. It's just cold here. No reason for it. Hooray for snow! Better luck with your sleigh this year. We are so looking forward to seeing you again.
Stay warm and keep your confidence up - you're better than you think you are.
Love and miss you,
AMEN!!!! I couldn't have said it any better! I am SCARED to DEATH to drive in the snow. I don't know why I shouldn't be I guess but I get so stressed. Wed. at work I stressed ALL DAY about how I was going to have to drive home in it. NO THANKS TO SNOW ON THE ROADS! I would say it could snow in the mountains but there are NONE here. :(
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