Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Whatever mom

I just love it when I hear myself come out of Drew's mouth. It never ceases to amaze me what he says, (at least they aren't bad words)! I'm usually telling Drew, "Does that sound like a plan," in order to get him to do certain things. Here is a recent conversation I've had with Drew:

Drew: I want a snack.
Mom: We need to have lunch before we have a snack.
Drew: OK, how about after we have a snack, we eat lunch. Does that sound like a good plan?
Mom: No, we need to have lunch first.
(After much begging)
Drew: Whatever mom.

Seriously. It sounds much more funny when he says it.

Preston took a nap on my bed in his boppy pillow the other day. Drew wanted to sit by him for some reason, so I let him. When I heard Preston wake up I went to go get him. Well, that didn't fly for Drew.

Mom: Hi boys. Lets go downstairs.
Drew: Mom, leave Preston here by me.
Mom: How about we all go downstairs.
Drew: MOM, leave Preston here. I want to sit by him. He is my best friend.
Mom: What if he cries?
Drew: I'll take care of him, he's my best friend.

I'm glad that they are best friends now!


Jason and Whitney Powell said...

Thats Hilarious! Im glad they're best Friends too!

Jennilyn said...

SO cute!!! That makes me want this baby to be a boy for sure! I want Landon to have a little buddy!!!

Elise said...

CUTE stories, Courtney. I miss seeing Drew in nursery.

{Erica} said...

what cute boys!

Reid, Megan, Jackson and Aiva said...

That is so cute! I can't wait for Jack to talk and hear all the crazy things he has to say!

Amy said...

Too cute! I love the space between your boys it seems to be the perfect amount so Drew can help and understand! They are so sweet!

Anonymous said...

Drew is so funny! Your boys are so cute. I am excited for tomorrow!

The Chappell's said...

Court -

I just have to say that I know exactly what is going on at your house. Quinn was like that with Connor - what a great thing. Brothers are the best - that is until you (meaning YOU - I'm not making an announcement) have a girl that is - then brothers and sisters will be the best!

Love and miss you often -


mary said...

So cute, Courtney. I love that little Drew. Sounds like he's got it all under control.