Friday, January 25, 2008


I am so happy, Drew ate all of his Wendy's hamburger today at lunch! I know that most of you are random, but as most of you don't know, Drew doesn't really eat much, in fact it's bad enough that his pediatrician is seeing him the end of this month for a height and weight check. She doesn't think he's growing like he should be. So for Drew to eat all of his lunch, this is HUGE progress! And not only did he eat it, but he was so excited to eat it, and kept coming back for more. Usually he just gets bored and doesn't finish. So for all of you who think I'm totally retarded for posting about this, I'm sorry, but I had to!


{Erica} said...

1. don't apologize for anything you write on YOUR blog...if people think you're retarded, or even possibly a "loon" (ha!) then don't look or read her blog :)

2. that's awesome! I remember the first time Ella did that and I kinda laughed when I rejoiced over my child eating a whole fast food burger...but it IS something to rejoice about.

3. 1.8 still haunts me :)

Anonymous said...

Good Job Drew! I don't think you are retared for posting that! I think it is AWESOME that he ate all of it! Especially if the doc is worried about him!
PS I LOVED that e-mail that you sent me! It made me laugh so hard!