Friday, February 15, 2008

never ending

I just have to say that I have the most wonderful husband in the world. Drew caught something from somebody which has caused me to change at least 20 diapers on Wednesday. And last night he spiked a temp and then threw up, he still has a temp this morning. Well, I felt absolutely terrible because I couldn't take care of him last night since I had to work, so Doug took care of him instead. I am so thankful for him doing what I wasn't able to do. I'm also sorry for being so graphic, but I'm just so sick of this. It seems like we just can't get a break here at the Giles' house. It's been a cold one week, we're fine the next, then a cold again, and now this. I mean, how much more of this is my little family of three going to see? So, sorry to all of you, but for the time being, I'm not going to babysit for anyone. I don't mean to sound rude, but we just need to get over this.


{Erica} said...

Yeah that's how this winter has been for our little family too. Right now they are both healthy...I'm just holding my breath and enjoying it while it lasts. Let me know if you need anything and I'll be more than happy to do that for you .

Anonymous said...

I don't blame you for not wanting to watch kids. I don't think that is mean at all. Poor Drew! I hope he gets feeling better soon. That is so not fun you guys have been sick that much! Let me know if you need anything!

Debbi said...

oh that is so sad! We had that flu back at New years and it is bad...I guess your valentine's present is that Doug took care of him! I hope you all feel better and stay healthy soon!

mary said...

Awww, I know, winter is rough! I hope little Drew gets better soon... and what a great husband to take care of him!

The Giles said...

You are so funny Courtney. But I am sorry to hear about the sicknesses, that is AWFUL! Hope things get better soon.