Wednesday, May 9, 2007

This wonderful weather!

I just can't believe this weather! I am absolutely loving it. Now all I need to do is go running! I keep telling myself that and what do I do...head to the Y! Now that it is so nice outside I might sweat off a few more pounds! I want to be like Erica and have my running shoes all muddy by the time the summer is over. Well, if I'm going to start I might as well do it now! Chow!

1 comment:

{Erica} said...

I'm game for whenever you want to get out and get walking! Let me me and if I can do it I must MAKE me do it though..:).

ps welcome to the lovely world of blogging! If you have any questions on how to do it let me's pretty easy once you get the hang of it (like if you want a different layout than they give you and stuff)....I'm just excited that you caved and started a blog. It's my not so secret addiction...did you notice. :)