Saturday was fun. I didn't get to hang out with them until about 1:30pm since I was in school, but my mom, sister, Drew and Doug went to lunch at Applebee's...I know, they went without me! That night while we were hanging around home, Drew was playing with Aunt Whitney at the table. He's been playing cars, which one person sits at one end of the table while Drew sits at the other end and you drive cars to each other. Drew was getting a bit excited and slipped off the chair hitting his forehead on the table, which threw his head back and hit on another chair cutting the back of his head open. Screaming followed. As I went to see him there was blood dripping off the back of his head. I thought for sure we'd need stitches. But Doug held a cloth on his bleeding wound for a couple of minutes and the bleeding stitches required! Since Drew's hair is so thick you can't really see the cut, so I circled the spot where it happened.

Sunday and Monday went by without much happening other than the fact that my mom and my sister left Monday afternoon. Drew wanted to go with them so bad that he would keep saying, "Drew's turn on airpwane." So mom, dad, whenever you have some time, Drew wants to come see you!!
Yesterday Drew got to play with his friend Owen over at the little park by our house. They had so much fun together. They ran around the playground more than they played on it!

Last, but certainly not least, as we were getting things ready to go play with some friends today, this is what I found.