Thursday, April 24, 2008

and one more makes FOUR!

Yes, yes, it's true...I'm pregnant! It's still kind of early, but who can hold in news like this much longer?! I found out on April 1st...yes, April Fool's day! Doug thought I had a friend of mine take the pregnancy test for me, I mean, come on!! I will be due around the 5th of December so, like I said, it's still early. We've been waiting a while for this, so we are totally excited! And there you have it, no more questioning and no more rumors, it's out!


Suz said...

CONGRATS!!! That is so exciting! Jess says you've been sick, I'm so sorry, I hope it doesn't last very long. With Payton, I was sick until only 12 weeks, but with Addison, it lasted until 20 weeks!! Ughh. Good luck!

The Allred Family said...

Congratualtions! I am so excited for you guys! I hope that you are feeling ok! Congrats!

Debbi said...

YEAH! Congratulations! I hope you have been feeling good and not to tired! How exciting! (and that would have been a great april fools day joke - how funny!)

jess said...

I don't know if Doug told you yesterday, but I'm so excited for you guys! We can't to see you in a few months!

{Erica} said...'re pregnant what???!!! :D

I'm so happy for you guys, and I can't wait to see your family grow!

love your guts.

ps don't know how you kept it a secret for so long with all the nosy peeps over there at the MG :)

Anonymous said...

Court! I know I have already told you this but...CONGRATS AND WE ARE SO EXCITED FOR YOU! Especially since you guys have been waiting for this!

Andrea said...

A great BIG CONGRATS to you Courtney!!!!! exciting! I am with you--and totally couldn't keep that kind of thing a secret for very long! Yeah for Drew to be a big brother soon :)

So I'm thinking we should totally hang out sometime...ya think????

Megan and Shawn said...

Courtney, congratulations. That is the greatest news, and we are so excited for you guys. Drew will be the cutest big brother. Yeah, Yeah, Yeah - hope you are feeling good.

The Chappell's said...


Court, this in the best news that you could give to us. The next best news will be when you say..."and the four of us are moving back home to Utah"

We love you - Take care!


The Halls said...

Yeah!! I am so excited for you guys.How fun I hope you are feeling good and doing well!!!!

mary said...

COURTNEY! This is so exciting! Congralations! I cannot BELIEVE Doug thought someone else peed on a pregnancy test for you... that would be going a little far for an April Fool's day joke, huh? I am so excited for you! You will be an awesome mother of two! How have you been feeling?

Crystal said...

YAY! Oh my heck that cracks me up! I almost pulled that joke on Aaron for April Fool's Day! Your dad is so excited I don't think that smile ever diminishes. It just gets bigger and bigger when he talks about his growing family! That little Drew lights up everything -no joke! CONGRATS! Love ya tons!

Anonymous said...

That last comment was from me, Crystal. I forgot that my username was under that. See what happens with two kids... you lose your mind (just kidding!!)bv

Cassie said...

congrats a little late, now it makes sense that when I saw you at the mailboxes you said you were nauseous! Duh?! I should have known! I bet you are having a girl this time if you are sick, remember how I was, throwing up 2-4times a day. I would just drink ginger ale and eat crackers. Nothing really helped me so hopefully you will just grow out of it!! Congrats though!!

Anonymous said...

YAY YAY!! I am so thrilled for your cute little family! How fun for Drew to be a big brother. You guys are great and so fun to be around. Congratulations!