Thursday, April 10, 2008


how many times can you hear that in one day? Psst. I think I hear it about fifty. Psst. OH MY GOSH! Psst is Drew's new way of getting my attention. And if it hasn't annoyed you yet, just say it a few more times and I'm sure it will. I have no idea where he gets things from. I never say psst to get his attention, or Doug's for that matter. At first it was so funny, but now, kind of annoying! Doug and I are constantly talking about this, where Drew gets his sayings from. Like the other day, he told one of the kids around here that playing by an outlet was "DANGER! That's danger!" I mean, come on!! But he has picked it up from somewhere. I guess it's better than other things he could be saying.


Anonymous said...

Ha Court! I love your guts! Every time I think about Drew telling that kid "Danger!" I have to laugh! I don't think a little boy has ever made me laugh as hard as your Drew. He is so cute! I agree though the whole Psst.. thing would get old! Hopefully for your sake and Doug's he will learn a new word fast!

Sarah said...

He is so funny! Doesn't the Lord teach patience in the strangest of ways?

{Erica} said...

Psst....hahahaha! So funny..but only because it's not my kids doing it.

Ella's new phrase for the last couple of days to any question we ask her "Well...not exactly..." (from the movie Enchanted). It was cute the first three I just want her to freaking answer the question!


Megan and Shawn said...

That is so funny. He's got a great little personality - he's so funny and so original. Don't you just love your boy!

Andrea said...

thats pretty dang funny have to admit! thats better than hunter's favorite new answer to EVERYTHING i ask of him..."mom i can't!!" (ya it gets old) it cracks me up where they get these things! drew is quite the character