Friday, October 17, 2008

prego picture again

I've had a lot of requests for another pregnancy picture, so here you go. I'm almost 34 weeks now and have just over 6 weeks left! The time is going fast, but not fast enough.
I've been cleaning like mad, taking one room at a time so I don't overwhelm myself. I guess you could say that I'm in the "nesting" period. I never got this way when I was pregnant with Drew, and maybe that's because I was working full time then, but I'm definitely a cleaning machine right now. Doug laughs at me because I have everything set up and ready, (some of it sitting in Drew's room waiting to be used)! I can't help it. I am one that has to have everything ready, that way I know what I have and what I might still need. Oh well, hopefully the time will continue to go by and then we'll be able to use all of our stuff!!

On another note, gas here has been dropping quite a bit! Although it's still not where I'd like to see it, it is lower and I'm grateful.

My dad freaks out every time I tell him what gas is here, because it's not dropping so fast in Utah where he's at. I think the last time I talked to him, he said gas was at $3.35 or so a gallon.


Kristin said...

Oh my gosh you look great! I like the blonde hair!! Yeah your almost there

Crystal S. said...

Court, you look great! I remember doing the same thing (nesting) when I had Brenner, and so when I was reading this I was thinking back to the week before I had him. Strange to think that was 4 years ago, already! I am really jealous about the gas prices back there, isn't it sad that we get excited to see it below $3.00 & $2.50. I just hope to see ours just below $2.50. I just paid $3.09 today, and I'm sure it'll be lower by Monday (It's the Quinn luck-ha,ha). Love ya tons!

Elise said...

Wow, Courtney I can't believe you are so close. I'm sure you feel like you should be closer. That's how I felt when people would tell me that. :) I LOVED getting everything ready for Mylee, too. How fun.